Some hastily jotted and assuredly unfinished business that has been languishing in my Google Drive, pasted here for your pleasure. I only completed the random d8 ripeness/potion charts for two species of fig trees. I did not detail any of the faerie courts which inhabit the fig trees, or their unique potions (nor a single parasitic wasp imp species for that matter). More to come?
Figs = Potion Trees
The ripe fruit has magical properties - see d8 potion tables in individual fig tree entries below.
Each fig tree also has a special syconium, a particularly large fig (~2-4'), magically protected, with a single gate that shrinks those entering it - it is a difficult challenge to force entry past the gate if the keepers are unwilling. Each syconium is a faerie kingdom of blooming fig flowers bathed in a soft golden glow that dies down to a flickering glamer at night - the faeries dwell in the fig flowers.
Each fig tree species has a unique relationship with a type of faerie that dwells in the syconium - the faeries each have a set of unique spells that they derive from the potion fruit.
Parasitic Wasp Imps seek to take faerie syconiums as their own and have their own spells and magical abilities - great variation exists among the parasitic wasp imps. Syconiums that have been taken by these parasitic imps are quickly filled with their offspring, the magical wards of the syconium perverted to feed the growing brood.
Giant ants tend giant aphid-like bugs which secrete potions as well - ants protect their trees against any intruders deemed a threat
Giant insect ecosystems on the forest floor below depend on the fruit
Also magical birds
Fig sap hardens into a rubber, can be treated when fresh to make magical oils
Syconium Physics - objects are reduced to 1/8 their normal size and 1/4 normal weight when entering a Syconium.
Syconium Time - time passes very slowly inside the syconium compared to the outside world. One day inside the syconium = 14 days outside. From the faerie perspective every other fourth day they either leave the syconium to visit a neighboring kingdom or receive visitors from a neighboring faerie court that inhabits a different fig tree. To the outside perspective these excursions or incursions are roughly 2 months apart. When visitors come to the syconium it pollinates the tree; each tree bears a harvest about once every four months.
Visitors, pollination and the special potion fruit - each visiting faerie court has a unique special potion associated with it. Any roll of an "8" on the d8 potion roll for a fig tree requires a second d8 roll - a second roll of "8" explodes, resulting in the unique potion of the visiting faerie court that pollinated the tree.
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Banyan or Strangler Fig |
Banyan or Strangler Fig - sprawls out, sends down aerial roots, covers other trees or stone structures indiscriminately with strangling roots.
Ripe Fruit: Reddish brown skin, brown flesh - bitter - get darker and softer as ripen, 1d8 - fig properties, from unripe to ripe:
- Fig of Climbing
- Fig of Growth
- Fig of Plant Control
- Fig of Undead Control
- Fig of Animal Control
- Fig of Giant Control
- Fig of Human Control
- Fig of Dragon Control
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Cluster Figs |
Cluster Fig - figs grow in clusters directly from the trunk, bark has healing properties, grind into paste in water to make healing potions - LOTS more on wikipedia, lots of cool Buddhist / Hindu traditions
Ripe Fruit: green skin, white flesh, very sweet and soft when fully ripe, firm and pleasant when younger - roll 1d8 on ripeness table:
- Vitality
- Philter of Glibness
- Philter of Persuasiveness
- Fig of Treasure Finding
- Fig of Giant Strength
- Fig of Heroism
- Fig of Invulnerability
- Fig of Super-Heroism
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